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Mental Health and Wellness Topics

This Bible study is intended as a complementary piece to the Companionship workshop by Pathways to
Promise. It delves into Scriptural accounts which exemplify the five basic practices of Companionship:
Hospitality, Neighboring, Side-by-Side, Listening, and Accompaniment.

A helpful guide to how Companionship is complimentary to Mental Health First Aid

Este ha sido designado como el martes de la Semana de Concientización sobre las Enfermedades Mentales, que es la primera semana de octubre de cada año. Se insta a las redes de enfermedades mentales y a los líderes religiosos a trabajar juntos para que puedan reconocer y prepararse para este día de la manera que mejor funcione para cada comunidad religiosa.

Consejos para personas que viven con una enfermedad mental y para sus familiares y amigos

Este folleto tiene 10 consejos útiles sobre cómo vivir con un cónyuge con depresión.

Utilizing ‘what matters most’ to identify culture-specific aspects of stigma

This paper presents critical areas in which culture impacts on mental health

"Let's Talk! Breaking the Silence around Mental Illness in Our Communities of Faith" is a four-part series for small groups written so that anyone who has skill in facilitating a small group discussion can lead it. The Leader Guide helps those leading by giving important background information.

A helpful guide to how Companionship is complimentary to Stephen Ministry

Cómo pueden responder las congregaciones. Guía de recursos/estudio para el clero y las comunidades de fe

Un folleto útil de "Muerte y duelo: una guía para el clero", que muestra las diferencias entre el duelo depresivo y la depresión clínica.

This article summarizes the results of a growing body of evidence documenting Blacks’ diminished return, defined as a systematically smaller health gain from economic resources and psychological assets for Blacks in comparison to Whites.

A cross-cultural approach to knowledge and beliefs about depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder

The Guide for a Clergy Leave of Absence for Mental Health Reasons provides guidelines and suggestions for pastors and for church councils.

Start Your Recovery is an online resource to help people with substance use disorder and mental health challenges. Our goal is to offer people a single source of relatable, reliable information at any stage of their recovery journey as well as information for their family members and friends. It’s a single source of reputable, objective information about signs, symptoms, conditions, treatment options. The resource locator offers a full breadth of recovery treatment options locally across the US.

Versículos bíblicos de consuelo para personas con enfermedades mentales. De la nueva versión estándar revisada

Según los hallazgos del informe del Cirujano General sobre la magnitud de las enfermedades mentales en este país, sabemos que una de cada cuatro familias tiene un miembro que padece una enfermedad mental.

of African Americans and
Caucasians in a Health Promotion Trial for Persons with Serious
Mental Illness

Does Discrimination Explain High Risk of Depression among High-Income African American Men?
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